Listed here are some of the Parent Code of Conduct expectations put forth by Cleveland CYO that pertain to Cheerleading.
It is expected that all players, coaches, & parents or other persons involved with a CYO team, will conduct themselves as an example of Christian behavior. They do this through Christian leadership, good sportsmanship and providing an atmosphere for healthy athletic programs. Christian behavior is essential and expected as a witness to the philosophy and values of CYO athletics.
I will enjoy my child’s opportunity to experience the benefits of the sport.
I will respect my child’s teammates and fellow parents as well as the players, parents and coaches from opposing team.
I will respect my child’s coach and support her efforts.
I will insure that my child will attend all games and practices possible, and when not possible, I agree to inform the coach in advance.
I will respect any equipment and uniform that may be issued to my child so that he/she can participate.
I will be responsible to report to CYO any perceived misconduct by coach, player, parent or official so it can be dealt with in the appropriate manner.
I also agree that if I fail to abide by rules and guidelines listed above, I will be subject to disciplinary action that could include, but is not limited to the following:
•First Offense – Verbal warning by official, site director, and /or CYO representative.
•Second Offense (during the same game) – Parental game suspension with written documentation of incident kept on file by organizations involved.
•Third Offense (during same season for that sport) – Parent and child (or children) will be removed from program.
St. Gabriel has a ZERO tolerance for any violation of the Code of Conduct
If you should have any questions, comments or concerns about cheerleading or the Parent Code of Conduct, please contact the cheer commissioner.