Procedure for Becoming a CYO Coach
The following requirements MUST be completed prior to the start of the Season to be a part of the St. Gabriel coaching staff. This needs to be done ONCE and is not a recurring need. There will be no exceptions to these programs regardless of your employment or past coaching outside of CYO.
Head Coaches
- Grade School Teams – Must be 19 years of age or older & approved by the Member Administrator and Pastoral Designee of the sponsoring member
- High School Teams – Must be 25 years of age or older & approved by the Member Administrator and Pastoral Designee of the sponsoring member.
Assistant Coaches
- Grade School Teams – Must be *16 years of age or older & approved by the Member Administrator and Pastoral Designee of the sponsoring member
- High School Teams – Must be 18 years of age or older & approved by the Member Administrator and Pastoral Designee of the sponsoring member.
- Read and sign the Diocese of Cleveland, “Policy for the Safety of Children in Matters of Sexual Abuse.”click here Policy of Safety of Children
- Read and sign the Diocese of Cleveland, “Standards of Conduct for Ministry” click here Standards of Conduct
- Attended an approved abuse prevention/Virtus program. To register, click here Virtus.
- Complete a fingerprint based background check. BCII fee is $22.00. FBI fee is $24.00. (FBI check only needed if you have not lived last 5 years in Ohio) Fingerprinting is usually done at Virtus training, but see additional dates below.
- Complete a Concussion Awareness Program. For more information click here Concussion Information.
- Watch video and complete signature for for Lindsay's Law at http://www.ohsaa.org/medicine
- Employee/Volunteer Application – Complete both sides including references click here Volunteer Application
- Register and attend the CYO Coaches Development Class register here CDP Class
- A copy of your Drivers License
* under 18 does not have to do the virtus training. All other paperwork applies.
Once a coach completes CDP Class, Virtus Training, has read and signed Diocesan paperwork, completed the volunteer application and submitted all paper work to the Parish Office Attn: Anna Lee in a sealed envolope, our parish volunteer coordinator (Anna Lee) will issue the coaching credential. All of the following is needed before your credentials will be released. Credentials are needed for both games and practices.
Male coaches of a girls team must have an adult female present at ALL practices, NO EXCEPTIONS. (Vise versa for female coach of boys teams). If your assistant meets that requirement then that works as well.
Every coach that is on a sideline/bench must wear their credential throughout the CYO event.
If at anytime you have questions please contact your sport commissioner.
Virtus Dates at St Gabriel (you still must register online for the class)
Fingerprinting will take place after the virtus class. BCII 22.00 FBI 24.00. Checks or cash accepted at the time of fingerprinting.
Fingerprinting will take place at
St. Gabriel Parish on the following
dates: All fingerprinting will
take place between 9:00 and 12:00 Noon in the parish office.
None scheduled at this time. Contact Anna Lee to schedule an appointment. leebrianna156@gmail.com